Friday, November 16, 2012

Blogger Error : We have not been able to verify your authority to this domain. Error 12.

I was trying to point my GoDaddy domain to Blogger/Blogpost base on google returned instructions. Here is a decent one. 

Adding CNAME through GoDaddy Zone File editor went smoothly. I then proceed to Blogger->Setting->Basic->Publish->Advance Settings and put in my support .ME domain. Then I got the following error:

Just add another CNAME entry right? No big deal? GoDaddy Zone File Editor popped an error dialog with no error. Strange. The entry never made it into the zone file. Removed the dot at the end of got past the error.

Hour later after I updated my GoDaddy CNAME, I went back to blogger, repeat steps, and everything went through this time with my .ME domain.